The Tottenham Sculpture Pavilion, by Jack Wates & Merrett Houmøller Architects.

Sculpture garden to explore and exhibit visual art.


The sculpture garden would become a platform for members of the Warehouse District to explore and exhibit visual art. One possibility could be to co-ordinate with New River Studios such that it becomes an extension of their creative programming. We would suggest that the pavilion supports an artist residency programme with each resident creating a project that becomes a part of the garden. With lockable storage and workshop space, we feel the sculpture garden would be ideal for locals to run, and participate in, workshops that could range from architecture and crafts to sculpture, pottery, life drawing and painting.

  • Tottenham Pavilion shortlist
  • Tottenham Pavilion shortlist
  • Tottenham Pavilion shortlist


A pavilion that occupies the perimeter of the site to support a sheltered community sculpture garden. The pavilion employs the simple aesthetic of a repeated pitched roof to communicate a sense of collectivity. The pitches are then extruded into the site at various depths to form sheltered space that is open to the garden within, as well as an enclosed studio/workshop space and a garden shed.


The project would be constructed using a vertical timber-slatted facade that would be spaced to allow passersby on Eade Road to catch glimpses of the garden within. The pavilion is designed to be easy to build with one simple structural system repeated throughout. The roof would be constructed from an inexpensive yet durable material such as Coroline and a simple guttering system would be employed to harvest water for the garden.


The garden would consist of a series of raised beds housing native wild plants and flowers as well as a number of small birch trees. Plinths would be positioned throughout the space and we are keen on the garden becoming a multi-sensory space in which smells and colours provide context to pieces of sculpture. The aspiration is that this would be a relatively low-maintenance garden but that there would be spaces in the project for people in the community to take ownership, if desired.


Keen for the pavilion to add a visual art offering to a community that already boasts an extensive range of music, dance and theatre-based activities. The sculpture garden would become a platform for members of both the warehouse and local communities, as well as artists from further afield, to explore and exhibit visual artwork.

"Both designs were my favourites, it really was splitting hairs between them."

Ryan Hughes, Architect &
Harringay Warehouse District resident

“This has the strength of focusing on a single, well-expressed and well thought out idea.”

Clare Richards, ft'works

“This is a lovely idea - and brings a much needed tranquil, green space to the area. Its beautifully executed in its design approach, making great use of what could be considered a rather difficult site.”

Aida Esposito, Creative Industries Consultant

“The ambition and broad use of the site nearly won this project first position overall. As a proposal of a 'place' for the HWD, for dwelling and activities, it scored highly.”

Sean McAlister, Sean & Stephen

"I liked the way they had managed to deal with boundary of the site, creating a real sort of haven."

Katy Marks, Citizens Design Bureau

“On a tight budget, I think most of the elements I like about the design would be value engineered out.”

Stephen Mackie, Sean & Stephen


Jack Wates.

Jack Wates is an artist, designer and lecturer based at New River Studios. He has a background in architecture and produces multi-sensory scenography projects that are often defined by temporal narratives. His work takes form across a range of disciplines, from installations to public realm art, architectural lighting design, theatre, film and the production of images.

Merrett Houmøller Architects.

Peter Merrett & Robert Houmølle formed Merrett Houmøller Architects in 2014, bringing with them a broad range of experience in architectural practice, teaching and research. They share an interest in architecture as a response to the specific social and urban context of the project, in creating successful public and communal spaces, and in design as a process of making.

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