Ryan Hughes, Architect &
Harringay Warehouse District resident
Clare Richards, ft'works
Aida Esposito, Creative Industries Consultant
Sean McAlister, Sean & Stephen
Katy Marks, Citizens Design Bureau
Stephen Mackie, Sean & Stephen
Jack Wates is an artist, designer and lecturer based at New River Studios. He has a background in architecture and produces multi-sensory scenography projects that are often defined by temporal narratives. His work takes form across a range of disciplines, from installations to public realm art, architectural lighting design, theatre, film and the production of images.
Peter Merrett & Robert Houmølle formed Merrett Houmøller Architects in 2014, bringing with them a broad range of experience in architectural practice, teaching and research. They share an interest in architecture as a response to the specific social and urban context of the project, in creating successful public and communal spaces, and in design as a process of making.