Tottenham Hill

By Ian Huang, Fresh Department

Connection to Harringay Warehouse District

As the hill keeps growing. People will get to know more about the neighborhood by meeting local people through various occurrences, while enlarging the collective engagement to the wider audience by setting up series of programme and the podcast, proposed and engaged by the local people .

Proposal Outline

How to facilitate people to develope more intimate connection and diverse changes to thier own living environment in the city? What kind of framework it needs to make this process sustainable while being generous and engageable? The essence of ‘collective construction’ is always on- going, dynamic, and interactive.

The shaping process of the hill started from using scaffolding as preexisting spatial unit and trying to develope a way local people can use it as a tool to reimagine their relations to others and to make changes collectively from the local condition. As the hill getting more richer and generous, the character of the locality will revealed in its intimacy and richness.